Many opinions are expressed that music is music keroncong brought by Portuguese sailors. But there are some different opinions on this, for example, as stated by Andjar Any.

In 1969, Andjar Anny (figure music, song writer, writer) met with Plato Antonio da Franca (consul Portugal). Any Andjar At that time asked the consul - whether in Portugal there keroncong music, or music that gave birth to a kind of music keroncong? - And the answer to the consul is - no. Never again in the form of keroncong, which is expected to be similar keroncong no .-

It can be concluded that music is not music keroncong import, at least in a musical adaptation of the music of our ancestors who came from outside. Even stranger, the alien is only his instruments. The shape is the result of work of our ancestors. Even the subject of a musical instrument that uses not only as we know it today, but this is a very long process of evolution. (Andjar Any, Music Keroncong Music Archipelago, 1983)

Before the show even before the song keroncong keroncong typical musical instrument, the ukulele, said keroncong actually already exist, among others, appear in some of these below:

Indonesian women often use gold or silver jewelry. One of them is called a bracelet bracelet keroncong, namely bracelets made of gold or silver consists of 10 to 15 thin bangles. If the wearer to walk while melenggangkan hands it would sound like a musical instrument which is now called keroncong.
There are people puppets, there are also words keroncong, namely to call the bracelet worn by the puppet characters, both by men and women.

From here indicate that the word keroncong has long been known by the Indonesian people prior to the emergence of a musical instrument or song keroncong. (Achmad, Criterion Music Keroncong, 1983)

While the instrument itself is expected to come from the islands of Hawaii at about the 16th century. So until the song to the accompaniment of musical instruments, the songs and even then called the song keroncong. So this keroncong music evolved over the centuries and accepted as the music of Indonesia.

In history, musical instrument ukulele was brought by the Portuguese (1512) Alfonso d'Alburqueque led to the islands of Maluku. The sound of musical instruments and singing of the sailors was considered strange by the natives, because they are familiar with the pentatonic sound. They try to imitate, but hit a reality of that twisted and traditional music styles greatly affect the presentation of the music of the natives. This then becomes an embryo keroncong music.

For the Indonesian people, the name is no intention and no purpose. Musical instrument called a gong gong struck to produce sound as if "gooooooong". Named kenong, because if you hit will sound "nooong", or kethuk that if hit will sound "thuk". Well for myself because there keroncong instrument ukulele / choke / Krung that if the ring will produce the sound "crung".

Then if keroncong it? There are at least three issues related to keroncong, namely:

1. Musical instrument called keroncong, namely ukulele / choke / Krung,

2. Keroncong song, which kind of songs that have certain limitations. One example is the restriction measure (Baar) numbered 28, with the same chord though different songs. The song is divided into 3 parts. Part A consists of 7 bar, then Interlude 3 bar, followed by part B which consists of 10 bar, and part C which consists of 8 bars.

3. Keroncong rhythm, a rhythm which has a distinctive voice in rythme, resulting from the passage ukulele plus drum sounds and cello passages.

At first the rhythm keroncong keroncong only to accompany the song, but its development is also to accompany the song style, opera and other kinds of songs, such as mixed juice. At first musical instrument characterized keroncong kerroncong / ukulele, but on the development of this instrument should not exist.

B. Form of Songs and Music Classification Keroncong
Although all the songs can be accompanied with rhythm keroncong, but specifically there are several types of songs that are very close to the rhythm of keroncong, namely:

1. Keroncong song, for example, is on track Keroncong Moritsku (nn), lamenting Heart (Mardjokahar). If played in the original, will begin with the intro solo violin or flute or guitar by taking a piece of classical melodies. Likewise interludenya. As for the coda is Tonika - Sub Dominant - Dominant - Tonika. Bar (Baar) numbered 28, with the same chord though different songs. The song is divided into 3 parts. Part A consists of 7 bar, then Interlude 3 bar, followed by part B which consists of 10 bar, and part C which consists of 8 bars. There was also a play this keroncong with 14 bars.

2.Langgam Keroncong, for example the song Solo (Gesang), Telaga Sarangan (Ismanto). Consisting of 32 bar with the composition of the AABA, where part B is the chorus. In terms of chords, not limited to the same chord. As for kodanya is Tonika - Dominant - Tonika.

3. Opera. The word comes from the word opera Istanbul, which at the time of arrival of Istanbul opera troupe, which later merged with the opera music music original keroncong thus yielding keroncong opera. Keroncong opera consists of:

a. Stambul I, for example the song Light of the Moon, Cut Rice. Feature of the game begins with Tonika. Consisting of 8 bar is sung 2 X 8 bars, with the words that are generally in the form of rhyme.

b. Stambul II, sample song Memories (Sapari & WAS Nardi), Disappointed (Samsidi). The game begins with a vocal solo, music followed by Sub-Dominant chord. Usually consists of 18 bars, kodanya Tonika - Sub Dominant - Dominant - Tonika. Consisting of 16 bar, which is sung 2 X 16 bar, with a rhyme poem.

c. Stambul III, for example the song Sarinah, Keroncong Kemayoran. A mix of opera and song keroncong. Harmony begins with a chord and then switch to Tonika Dominanseptim, sometimes as a sweetener also use Dubbledominan.

4.Gambang Kromong. Sample song Jali-Jali. Characterized by fast tempo, the words rhyme form.

5.Langgam Java. Sample song Yeng Ing Tawang (Andjar Anny). Characterized by pentatonic notation and Java language.

At first keroncong musical instrument consisting of: 1. Guitar, 2. Ukulele 3. Banjo 4. Biola 5. Flute / flute 6. Mandolin 7. Tambourine (West Java) or Jidor (Central Java and East Java). In the next development consists of 1. Biola 2. Flute 3. Guitar 4. Cello 5. Bass 6. Banjo 7. Ukulele, which then in the next development coupled with a keyboard musical instrument and also sometimes given a variation with a mixture of gamelan musical instruments.

C. Evolution and Revolution Keroncong Music
Long period has made the change from music keroncong, especially once the instrument and finally in shape as well. Starting with the ukulele at the time of the entry of Portuguese sailors and along with the emergence of Islam, the instrument also included in the class tambourine musical instrument keroncong. In addition there is also a musical instrument mandolin. This form is to survive until the 19th century.

In the decade of the 20th century, Lief munculah various orchestras such as Java, founded by Wang Kelvin (1922), followed by the orchestra Float, Monte Carlo, and Doodskoppen. There are some areas as a fertile breeding keroncong music, the foremost being the Solo and Jakarta (Monument area). At that time keroncong still headed into shape. In the 1930's began to have the addition of a melody Harmony sempritan even birds. New violin gradually emerged as a melody.

In the 1930's as well, revolutionizing Sastrodirono keroncong by replacing the tambourine with guitar. Until in 1934, replacing Shinsu Tjok learned guitar with a pizzicato cello (thumb stick). Sapari including the conduct of the revolution by replacing the function of a mandolin with guitar but does not carry the main melody, but a contra-point that continues to move swiftly from the beginning to the end of the song. Only in the 1940s

In this song also happens revolution keroncong song. Originally keroncong a song lyric or poem parikan Javanese Malay. But in 1935 major changes in terms of poetry, namely the emergence of the song Fly Night.

In the era of Japanese occupation in Indonesia, keroncong, initially was lower-class music to be increased degree because at that time all that smells of western occupation banned by the government of Japan. At that time no changes in musical instruments, but no change in the way of passage, among other ways, such as stringed cello which was originally in the gamelan sound drum turned into what it is today. Then ukulele which was originally only serves as a rhythm into bermelodi. With the fresh breeze from the occupying Japanese, then bermunculanlah keroncong artists, among others Samsidi, Gesang, Maryati, Suprapti. At that created the songs are: Solo (Gesang), Java, Swadesi (Mardjokahar / Kamajaya).

In the days of Indonesian independence, which at that time still a war here and there, it gives birth keroncong songs with themes of struggle. Keroncong figures at that time include: Kusbini, Amirah, Mardjokahar, and Samsidi.

After the Dutch left Indonesia in 1950, then keroncong get a prime spot above the other music. Munculah legendary singers, among others: Ismanto, Waldjinah (champion festival / radio star held by RRI in 1959), S Dharmawan, Ping Astono.

In the 1960s, timbulah new phenomenon, with the presence of rhythmic style of Java, which was pioneered by Andjar Any (Yen Ing Tawang), followed by S Dharmawan (Lara Branta) and also Ismanto (Wuyung). The rhythm is then dominated the music keroncong. At the time that too munculah Stay Fresh group led by General Pirngadi using electric musical instruments to play music in keroncong. But as the reign of the new order, finally keroncong setback, because the music scene dominated by music dangdut, pop, rock, and others. Changes that there is the inclusion of keyboard musical instruments.Only after years of the 1990s, keroncong as reborn with the emergence of music as a continuation keroncong juice mixed but with a new style, both in terms of the instrument, how to serve it, his verse. An example is the song sung by Didi Racing Station Kempot. Also try keroncong also combined with various types of music, whether pop, dangdut, rock and so forth. For example keroncong combined with rock and rap music by Bondan Prakoso with his Keroncong Protol