Music theory is a branch of science that explains the elements of music. These disciplines include the development and application of methods for analyzing and composing music, and the relationship between music and nature music notation.The things learned in music theory include, for example voice, tone, notation, rhythm, melody, Kontrapun Music, harmony, form Music, Creating Music Theory, etc..
SoundMusic theory explains how the sound notated or written, and how sound is captured in the mind of the listener. In music, the sound waves are not normally discussed in the wavelength and period, but in frequency. Basic aspects of sound in music is usually described in tuning (UK: pitch, ie pitch), duration (how long the sound is), intensity, and timbre (color noise).
ToneSound can be divided into a high tone that has a certain tone or tuning by frequency is relatively high distance or by the tone of a standard pitch. Tuning differences between the two tones is called the interval. Tones can be adjusted in steps of different tones. The most common scales are major scales, minor scales, and pentatonic scales. The basic tone of a musical work to determine the frequency of each tone in the work. Ringing in the western diatonic music theory identified into 12 tones, each of which is named after the tone C, D, E, F, G, A and B. As well as the chromatic tones of Cis / Des, Dis / Es, Phys / Ges, Gis / As, and Ais / Bes.
RhythmRhythm is the sound settings in time. Bar is a division of the group beats in time. Time signature indicates the number of beats in a bar and note which ones are calculated and regarded as one beat. Certain tones can be accentuated by giving the pressure (and the distinction of duration).
NotationMusic notation is written depiction of music. In the notation beams, described the pitch vertically while the time (rhythm) is depicted horizontally. These two elements form the staves, in addition to the basic tone cues, tempo, dynamics, and so forth.
MelodyMelody is a series of tones in time. The series can be sounded alone, without accompaniment, or may be part of a series of chords in time (usually a series of high tones in these chords.)Melody formed from a series of horizontally tone. The smallest unit of the melody is the motive. The motive is three or more tones which has the purpose or meaning of the musical. The combination of motives is Semi Phrasebook, and a mix of Semi Phrases are phrases (sentences). The most common melody usually consists of two semi-sentence phrase that is asked (Antisiden) and sentence answer (consequent).
HarmonyHarmony in general can be said as the event two or more tones sounded simultaneously with different height, though harmony may also occur when the tones are sounded in sequence (as in the arpeggio). Harmony consists of three or more tones sounded simultaneously is usually called the chord.
You have a problem that burdens the mind? Or, even have felt often forget about something? If yes, frequently listen to music or your favorite songs. Because, according to various studies, music can soothe and even improve one's memory.
Therefore, music can be an effective means of therapy for people with various complaints. Moreover, if the music played is a gentle tone and liked the listener, the music can create an atmosphere to relax or even the spirit.
One steeped in music research for this therapy is an Institute for Music and Neurological Function in America. They found that the type of music therapy is very beneficial for people with Alzheimer's to remain calm and help improve their memory. Of course, for those who easily forget, these findings into a good news because the music we hear everyday in fact many benefits.
This is also strengthened by the use of music to therapy performed in a hospital in Chicago. Music therapy is applied there is able to calm parents who are anxious or upset caused by their children's delinquency.
Because the benefits of this massive, Cheryl DiLeo, a professor of music therapy University of Philadelphia, the U.S. said the music will help to change the physical, psychological, social, and cognitive patients. Therefore, Cheryl highly recommend music as a therapeutic tool because it is easy to do and loved by many people.
So, if you feel uncomfortable and too much of thought, why not play music for a moment? Hopefully this will calm the simple way and makes us more productive in their work.~ OZENK Potgieter