Genre: Alternative / Other / Progressive
Location Athens, Please select your region, Greece
Profile Views: 53129
Last Login: 2/17/2011
Member Since 12/12/2007
Type of Label Indie
Story of Verbal Delirium begins back in the summer of 1999, when keyboard player and vocalist Jargon went to form a band along with bass player Nik Michailidis. Though starting with an obvious commitment to the progressive rock and psychedelic sound of the 60’s n’ 70’s, the band came soon to realize that the addition of more modern elements was something more than a necessity. However, the presence of numerous changes in the lineup delayed the band’s plan for an album. After trying many different people, things finally seamed to fit at 2005 with guitarist Giorgos Maniatis and drummer Lazaros Papanastasiou. Conclusion of this effort was the recording and distribution of a demo album under the title of “The imprisoned words of fear”, which took place in 2007. At that time the album still reflected the band’s admiration for the progressive and psychedelic sound of the 70’s with big arrangements and complex chord progressions, but also presenting some metal and jazz elements. Still, one of the key elements in Verbal Delirium sound was and still is their commitment to the presence of very distinct melodic patterns which bear a heavy role in their songs. After that, the band moved on to a more alternative rock style, though preserving much of the progressive elements. Another change in the lineup went on, introducing Nikitas Kissonas on guitars, and drummer Tolis Liapis. As a result, first official album entitled “So close and yet so far away” was introduced. Recording sessions took place between January and March 2009 and after numerous successful performances throughout Greece it went out public, distribution of Musea records , in November 2010. The album also showed the band’s aspiration and intention for orchestral aspects featuring the use of 'cello. As soon as the recordings ended the band found itself once more with the need of a change in lineup, as drummer Tolis Liapis dropped his place due to personal issues. Hopefully the wait didn’t last long and drummer Enthralling Kernel g. was added to fill up the space. Special mention should be made in the use and appearance of some guest musicians such as Elsa Papeli (Cello), Anastasis Hamilakis (Keyboards – Theremin) and Lampros Matopoulos (Trumpet-Guitar). As of 2009 the band is in the process of extending its horizons, experimenting with new forms of arrangements, seeing the music as a whole and not as distinctive genres. For the time being, things are focused on working new material and promoting the newly come album by booking some major gigs. Future plans include the recording of a second album, possibly within the year of 2011. The band is also about to make a big step forward by being ready to perform outside Greece. At the same time, rising expectations and obligations have made it clear that a manager is definitely in need, in order to support the ongoing effort.

LINE UP Jargon (piano,keyboards,vocals) Nik Mihailidis (bass) Nikitas Kissonas (guitar,b.vocals) Enthralling kernel G. (drums) Anastasis Hamilakis (keyboards,piano,theremin) GUEST MUSICIANS: Elsa Papeli (cello) Labros Matopoulos (trumpet,guitar)..
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